These Khutbah are in English (except the start) and delivered in Shelly Farm Community Centre in Solihull

20190920 You need to prepare for tomorrow regardless what’s your age now

20190913 Have you sold to Allah _ “Albaiah”

20190906 الهجرة يوم من أيام الله Hijra is a day of the days of Allah

20190823 Day of cheating – commitment

20190811 Eidul adha – Victory needs power & belief

20190809 Hidden beliefs in your heart – inner-eye

20190802 Looking into the universe to strengthen beliefs

20190726 Points on Aqeedah

20190719 Unity & leadership

20190705 The purpose of life

20190614 Ignoring little sins expose you to big sins

20190607 Whom are you affiliated to?

20190517 Allah is closer to you than what you think

20190510 Now you are in control of your body, what’s next??

20190503 Fasting is to control your morals

20190426 Ramadan purifies your soul & soul recover its control of the body